Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

February 21, 2006 7:00 PM


Location:          Board Office, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Peter Budgell                                             Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Mr. John George                                              Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Peter Gibbons                                            Mr. Shawn Brace (Recorder)

Mr. Newman Harris

Mr. Bill Sceviour                                              Regrets:

Mr. Hubert Langdon

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                            Ms. Marina Hewlett

Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Kerry Noble


Note:   The opening of the meeting was attended by approximately 20 parents and students from Eastport.


A representative of the group presented a petition to the board concerning the decision to move the senior high school students to Glovertown.  The majority of the group left after the presentation and brief statements by the Chair of the school council and a representative of the student council.  The Chair of the school council stayed as an observer for a considerable part of the agenda.


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated and amended.  (Harris/Langdon).  Carried.


Dr. Woolfrey raised the concern that neither the agenda nor the previous minutes were posted to the website in advance of the meeting.  The Director apologized indicating that both he and the Chair were called to St. John’s last week – the time when the Chair and the director routinely met to finalize the agenda for posting.  The procedure indicates that posting of the agenda is required 7 days prior to the meeting.




2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1       Regular Meeting January 24th, 2006


Motion:           to accept the minutes of the January 24th, 2006 as circulated. (Pritchett/George).Carried.


                        Item 4.4 Programs Committee


It was noted that we should refer to trustee names instead of “as a board member” in the minutes.  Mr. Langdon noted several such references in the minutes applying to him.


Item 6.1 School Design Approvals


Mr. Brown questioned whether we need to include all the details on school design in the minutes.  Mr. Mercer noted that in this case, (i.e. the Leading Tickles project) we did not have a detailed design report to refer to.  Instead, the details were presented in the motion.  These motions approving capital projects have to be forwarded to the Department of Education and the detailed approval determined the scope of the design.


3.         Business Arising:


3.1       Opening of Eastport School


Mr. Mercer updated trustees on the delay associated with the opening of the rebuilt Eastport School.  We now have a commitment that the contractor will be finished by Friday, March 3, 2006.  Students will occupy the new school shortly thereafter.


4.         Committee Reports/Updates


            4.1       Executive Committee


Mr. Kendell informed the Board that the Chair will be forwarding a potential trustee name to the Minister for consideration to fill the vacancy in the Springdale area.


The Board has also requested that there be an election in these zones to fill vacant trustee positions.  (i.e. 2 previous correspondences)








·        On January 30th, 2006 there was a meeting held in Bishop’s Falls involving the Director, Assistant Director, Programs, chairs and vice chairs of joint school councils and school principals.

·        On February 6th, 2006 there was a public meeting in Musgrave Harbour.  Eight School Board Trustees attended this meeting.

·        On February 8th, 2006 there was also a meeting between the Executive Committee of the Board and the Eastport School Council.


Year 2 Restructuring Changes


The Chair of the Executive Committee recommends that all issues relating to year 2 of the restructuring plan be addressed in a special meeting to be held in late March or early April.


Mr. Budgell raised the question about teacher allocations and capital funding required for next year.  Mr. Budgell specifically questioned year 2 of the board’s restructuring plan relating to Bishop’s Falls.


Discussions took place relating to the purpose of the Special Meeting that is planned for late March or early April.


The Director informed the Board that the Provincial budget may have an impact on the Board’s plan.  Specifically, Teacher Allocations, Capital Allocations.  In addition, there has been a number of submissions, correspondence and meetings that also would be reviewed and addressed at this meeting.


Dr. Woolfrey suggested that there be a meeting with the school chairs of the schools affected by year 2 of the restructuring plan to hear if there are any outstanding concerns.


Mr. Mercer advised that there has been no meeting at Ladle Cove to this point in time.


The discussion also centered around the type of school system in Bishop’s Falls.


It was agreed that there would be a discussion on this at the upcoming special meeting.


Motion:           the board reaffirm the position of Government to maintain a K-12 system in Bishop’s Falls.  (Brown/Budgell).  Rejected.


Motion:           that a public announcement be made confirming the position of the Board that there would be a K-12 school system in Bishop’s Falls.  (Budgell/Woolfrey).  Carried.


Mr. George questioned as to whether we should be making specific motions on parts of the restructuring plan.


Mr. George also indicated that we need to review the restructuring plan with a view to taking ownership of the plan that was developed by the interim board.


Ms. Cheeks suggested that we need to make a public statement on our position relating to the restructuring plan and inform the public that we are hearing what the public is saying.


It was then suggested that a public statement be made with respect to year 2 of the restructuring plan as a result of the upcoming special meeting on this matter.


Mr. George raised the issue relating to the need for good communication.


Motion:           to recommend that all the issues relating to year 2 of the restructuring plan be addressed at a Special Board Meeting sometime in late March or early April.  (Gibbons/Noble).  Carried.


There was a question as to whether the special meeting could be held on a Saturday with all pertinent information sent out before hand.


Committee Quorum


Motion:           For the purposes of establishing quorum at committee meetings, the current membership of appointed trustees, exclusive of the ex-officio members, shall be included in the count.  (Kendell/Pritchett).  Carried.


4.2       Finance/Property Committee


December 31st, 2005 – Quarterly Financial Report - defer


Audit 2005 – Auditor’s Management Letter - defer







Property Disposal Reports:


Indian River Primary, Springdale


The public tender for disposal closed on January 30, 2006.


The bids received are as follows:


·        Robert Stuckless                                        $20,000

·        NVC Limited                                             $75,900

·        Philip Burton                                               $91,111

·        Nobles Construction Ltd.                            $123,425


Motion:     to recommend acceptance of the bid for Indian River Primary from Nobles Construction Ltd. in the amount of $123,425. (Pritchett/Sceviour).  Carried.


Coaker Academy, Virgin Arm


The results of the Tender were as follows:


·        Newfoundland & Labrador Inc.      $35,000

·        Robert Stuckless                            $12,500


Motion:     that we accept the bid of $35,000 from Newfoundland and Labrador Inc subject to suitable arrangements being made for the removal of the underground oil tank and consideration be given to the waterline being used by the surrounding residents.  (Pritchett/Harris).  Carried.


Summerford Primary


Our Board signed an agreement with the Salvation Army in 2001 which transfers title of this property to them.  This agreement was made in exchange for the right to acquire land to build New World Island Academy.


There have been 4 attempts made in the last year to have the Salvation Army conclude this agreement.


As a result of these attempts, it was agreed that we should consult with our legal counsel as to whether the contract is still valid.




Exploits Valley Intermediate – Property Matters


The Board was informed that there may be an issue with the development of the land surrounding the school which is required for the parking lot.


We are pursuing this matter with our legal counsel and Department of Education officials.


Town of Leading Tickles – Rental Agreement


As a result of the temporary arrangements with the town of Leading Tickles to allow us to set up a temporary school in their office, they have requested us to sign a lease agreement.  This type of agreement requires Ministerial approval.


Motion:        to request approval from the Minister of Education to enter into a short term lease arrangement for the rental of space at the office of the Town of Leading Tickles.  (Pritchett/Harris).  Carried.


            4.3       Personnel Committee – no report


4.4       Programs Committee


Revised School Sport Code of Conduct (see attached report)


Deferred to another committee meeting before being presented to the Board


Teacher Liaison


Concerns were raised about transportation to PD Sessions.

Recommended that district office review guidelines pertaining to travel.


Child Care


Following suggestions from principals and teachers after the PD conference of 2004/2005, the district contracted with a local day care provider in Gander to provide licensed day care for the three days of the PD Conference.  Initially 48 teachers indicated they would take advantage of the offer, but eventually on 5 or 6 teachers used the service offered.  The programs committee felt the district had gone beyond what would be offered by many employers, and had gone beyond what is required in any of the collective agreements in relation to providing day care services.  It was felt the District acted appropriately, even generously on this issue.


Discretionary Leave – collective agreement issue.




In reviewing the Teacher-Liaison committee minutes, it was noted that there is an error in the statement “loss of teachers due to CDLI”.  The District does not lose teachers because schools offer CDLI.  It was suggested that this be clarified with the Teacher Liaison Committee members.


Re the other issue of quality-depth of instruction, Mr. McCormack will meet with Bob Hipditch from CDLI to discuss teachers concerns about instruction.


No motions for tabling


Motion:           to accept the Programs Committee Report.  (Sceviour/George).  Carried.


Mr. Langdon raised the issue of student achievement relating to students enrolled in CDLI classes and other issues relating to distance programming.


Ms. Cheeks suggested that Mr. Langdon forward any information and concerns that he has relating to CDLI to the Programs Committee meeting for review.


Motion:           the Board set up a committee (of staff) to conduct an in-depth study of the issues of concern around CDLI with input from principals and high school teachers of CDLI schools, CDLI students and parents of CDLI students and to make recommendations on how these issues can be addressed.  (Langdon/Noble).  Carried.


Mr. McCormack informed the Board that we do not control CDLI, we subscribe to CDLI.  Mr. McCormack suggested that we invite Mr. Hipditch, Director of CDLI in for a discussion and presentation on our concerns relating to CDLI.


Mr. George acknowledged the importance of this item but suggested that this item should be referred to the Programs Committee.


Mr. Mercer raised concerns about the workload that the staff is currently involved with.  All senior staff except the Assistant Director – Finance are involved in intense staffing meetings with our principals over the next 5 weeks.


            4.5       Student Support Services Committee – no report


·        A meeting was scheduled for February 2nd which conflicted with a general information session of the Board  - a scheduled meeting with Eastport and Musgrave Harbour relating to the restructuring plan

·        It was then rescheduled to February 15th and cancelled because a number of committee members could not make the meeting.


4.6       NLSBA Update - deferred


            4.7       Director’s Report - deferred


5.         Correspondence


·        There is an issue on how we deal with correspondence.

·        To address this, all correspondence will be posted to the trustee work site

·        Holy Cross School Complex School Council – correspondence deferred to Special Meeting

·        School Council, Bishop’s Falls Academy – posted to work centre.

·        Correspondences will be removed as Agenda Items.

·        A correspondence of major importance will be included on Agenda Items.


6.         New Business


            6.1       Student Smoking on School Grounds


The following motion was tabled for consideration at the March meeting:


All schools and all other school board facilities, inclusive of grounds and board owned vehicles are designated as smoke-free areas, effective not later than September 1, 2006.  the principal, in the case of schools and associated grounds, and the Assistant Director – finance, in the case of other school board facilities, associated grounds and board owned vehicles, will undertake to ensure that appropriate communication and/or signage are in place to inform students, employees and visitors of this ban.  (Sceviour/Noble). 


6.2       Atlantic Conference – Delegate Reports - deferred


6.3       CSBA Congress 2006 - deferred


6.4       2005 Auditor General’s Report - deferred




6.5       Closed Session


Motion:           to move into closed session (Sceviour/George).  Carried.


                        Motion:           to come out of closed session (Whiteway/Cheeks).  Carried.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on March 21, 2006, 7:00 PM, Regional Office, Grand Falls/Windsor.


8.         Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 PM.




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Shawn Brace

Chair                                                                            Recorder

